Cookie policy

This site uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that a site sends to the browser and is saved on the user’s computer. Cookies are only used in accordance with this section, they cannot be used to run programs or download viruses on the user’s computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to the user and can only be read by the web server of the domain that sent them. It is useful to remember that cookies contain only information that is provided spontaneously by the user and are not designed to automatically collect data of the user’s hard drive and illegally transmit to third parties personal data of the user or the content of his system.

This site uses the following types of cookies.

Technical cookies navigation (or session)

This type of cookie allows the proper functioning of the site.

Analytical Technical Cookies
They are those used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the accesses and number of visitors to the site and how they use the site itself. They pursue exclusively statistical purposes.

Profiling cookies

These cookies are necessary to create user profiles to optimize advertising campaigns for the individual user. We use systems such as

Partners and links to the information

To these can be added other operators that will be activated from time to time and reported in the updates of this policy.

You can review the options available to manage cookies in your browser.